
Trends and keywords in 2018

A hotel is a mirror of the world. We live in contradictory times, and hotels have embraced that contradiction. These are the trends that will stay and gain strength in 2018:

RESURRECTION: Hotels can give a second life to long-standing buildings, such as old silos, churches, convents or museum buildings.

LEGENDS: The older the better, especially when refurbished following contemporary structures. Among these hotels, we can find the Ritz or the Hotel Crillon in Paris.

NEO-HOTELS: Some hotels have undergone a process of re-definition and chosen to make different decisions. These include co-working hotels, where clients can work while networking with other professionals, sharing a coffee – or a project. Places that have turned traditional hotels around include the Soul Kitchen in Saint Petersburg and the Home Lisbon in Lisbon.

Here we have the points to consider in the near future :

DISCONNECTION: According to respondents, the client’s rest is fundamental when conceptualising a hotel. This can be achieved through a good space distribution, placing rooms meant for resting together and isolating them from rooms with noisier functions, but also through quality materials and technical characteristics, as well as from specific client-oriented installations and services, such as swimming pools, saunas, or hot tubs.

SUSTAINABLE INTERIOR DESIGN BEYOND OPPORTUNISM: Clients notice when a brand’s image and values are coherent, and they realise when the image is simply a marketing ploy. If an offer is not sound, it will fall apart. Minimalistic designs, inspired by nature, will stand out. Hotels that want to go through renovations this year can take this chance to unclutter rooms, leaving only the essentials, as well as to open up shared spaces and add more vegetation and natural light to their designs.

SMART ROOMS: Some sources state that smart rooms are nearer than ever; others believe they are already here. In any case, in 2018 we will see more hotel rooms inspired by the “Internet of things”; that is, guests will be able to open the door to their rooms, adjust the light and temperature, and watch their favourite Netflix shows on the television from their smartphones.


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