At Wortmann Architects, we are going through a process of transformation.
Architect; an artist who is in a continuous process of transformation, changing from the inside out. This artist’s ideas, memories, and dreams translate into astonishing works of art; in which passion, emotions and feelings live within concrete material.
Architecture; the process and the product; the magical phenomena that arises when in hands of a true architect.
As architects, we are able to understand our clients and the process that could be flowing within themselves. As artists, we perceive and connect with their emotions, desires, beliefs, and necessities. Clients transmit an idea that could be related to an old memory, maybe from their childhood. We listen. We ask them how they feel and how do they want to feel in the space we are about to create.We truly relate to them, because at the end, we all come from the same small and energetic particle that just wants to be alive.
In this process of communication with our clients, we become their mirror; we mirror their desires, and we let ourselves transform into a prism, where light comes in as an idea, and then it comes out in a burst of colors and dimensions.
Our client’s desire to feel at home, to belong, to love and be loved, to connect, to dance, to be alive, blooms within a space full of movement and order at the same time; it is the architect transforming the floor plan into music. Walking barefoot on the floor, touching every brick, until we become one with our work of art; one with our client’s desire.
Johannes K. Wortmann & Kassandra Gil